Combining J Plasma with Radiofrequency for Skin Tightening

Combining J Plasma with Radiofrequency for Skin Tightening

Crow’s feet, fine lines, and wrinkles are the trifecta of ugh. No one wants to look old, regardless of their age. Luckily, there are efficient and advanced methods to achieving a youthful appearance and firmer, smoother, more luminous skin—J Plasma combined with Radiofrequency.

J Plasma and RF are powerful elements on their own, but combined, they create an intensive way to accomplish younger, tighter skin without surgical invasion. Working in tandem, the pair is groundbreaking, moving science ahead to combat signs of aging and restore, rejuvenate, and refresh skin cells.

Read on to discover the magic of J Plasma with Radiofrequency, and then contact Beauty & Body by Mia to schedule an appointment and experience what this powerhouse duo can do.

Understanding J Plasma Technology

Also known as Renuvion, J Plasma is a plasma beam that gently warms skin cells, causing tissue to contract. It encourages elastin and collagen production, targets damaged skin cells, and promotes natural healing.

The Role of Radiofrequency in Skin Tightening

Radiofrequency (RF) is a standard method for skin tightening. It uses energy to penetrate skin cells in warm, gentle waves. This stimulates deep cells, helping them rise to the surface to smooth and tone the skin.

How J Plasma and RF Work Together

J Plasma and RF work off one another’s strengths to tighten and rejuvenate the skin. Where plasma will warm and contract skin tissue, RF will penetrate, rebuild, and strengthen tissue cells, creating a stronger elastin and collagen production cycle.

The process addresses surface-level and deeper skin cell and tissue issues. The treatment’s precision allows for work on areas where the skin is more delicate and thinner, like the neck and jawline.

Natural, Beautiful Results

RF and J Plasma promote natural collagen and elastin production, so your body does the work. This ensures natural, beautiful results so you look like a healthier, happier, younger version of yourself. The process is minimally invasive, so you can expect quicker, smoother recovery times and noticeable differences after the first session.

Expected Results and Longevity

Results from a combination of RF and J Plasma are often noticeable after the first treatment. You may notice your skin is firmer, tighter, and more lifted, appearing more youthful with a healthy glow. Because the results are natural, they are long-lasting, but as the skin ages, you may need more treatments over time.

Contact Beauty & Body by Mia to schedule an appointment now!

How the Hollywood Facial and Pico Laser Technology Helps Your Skin

How the Hollywood Facial and Pico Laser Technology Helps Your Skin

Don’t let the name fool you. The Hollywood Facial isn’t really a facial at all but is instead a type of sophisticated laser treatment. It’s all the rage in, you guessed it, Hollywood! Celebrities favor the treatment because of its dramatic results and quick recovery time.

What Is the Treatment?

The treatment itself involves a couple of different steps. First, a black carbon mask is applied to the face. Once the mask is in place, an expert skincare professional applies a Pico laser treatment.

A Pico laser is a non-invasive treatment that targets certain types of imperfections. It sends heatless pulses of energy into the targeted area of the skin, breaking down the skin pigment it touches. The sensation isn’t uncomfortable, but it is highly effective at removing sun damage spots, scarring, lesions, and even certain types of tattoos.

What Types of Conditions Does It Treat?

The Hollywood Facial and Pico laser treatments are highly effective at getting rid of many unwanted skin conditions, both new and old. Since the Pico laser targets and destroys pigmented areas, it’s useful for getting rid of nearly any type of spot on the face, from dark patches to old scars. Schedule this treatment to handle the following issues and more.

  • Sun damage
  • Acne scars
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Melasma
  • Unwanted birthmarks


Additionally, this treatment leaves you with rejuvenated, glowing skin, regardless of your skin type!

How to Prepare

Fortunately, scheduling a Hollywood facial and Pico laser treatment doesn’t require much from you. There’s no downtime and most patients experience no side effects at all. The most common ones are minimal and include redness. In general, it’s a gentle treatment and you can get back to the rest of your day after your appointment.

Sessions tend to be fairly quick, too. Pico laser treatments only take a few minutes (a half hour at most) and by the end, you’ll have fresh, lovely skin! For highly pigmented or troublesome spots, you may need a few different sessions. The benefits from the Hollywood Facial begin immediately, though.

Final Thoughts

Everyone deserves to love their skin. Over time, damage accumulates. If you have acne-prone skin or spend a lot of time in the sun, that’s even more true. Fortunately, there are plenty of options out there to help. The Hollywood Facial is popular for a reason – it works! To discuss this treatment and others, schedule a consultation with Beauty and Body by Mia today.

The Differences Between Ultherapy vs Thermage Treatments

The Differences Between Ultherapy vs Thermage Treatments

The Differences Between Ultherapy vs Thermage Treatments

As you consider Thermage or Ultherapy, it’s important to know the similarities and differences between the two. Ultherapy treatments are used to lift the skin at deeper layers than Thermage treatments do, which is why it takes more sessions with Ultherapy to see results than with Thermage. 

How Does Ultherapy Work? 

Ultherapy is a non-invasive FDA-cleared procedure. This treatment uses ultrasound energy beneath the surface of the skin to stimulate collagen production. Ultherapy treatments are more suitable for tightening areas around the jaw line, lifting eyelids, tightening neck skin, and diminishing wrinkles.  Menopausal women will benefit from Ultherapy more than Thermage because of hormonal changes that cause laxity in skin tissue

How Does Thermage Work?

Thermage uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to deliver heat deep into tissues, stimulating new collagen production.  When performed on the face, the procedure tightens glandular tissues which is why it’s primarily used to improve facial contours such as smoothing out lines across the forehead or between the eyes.  Thermage is also used to tighten the abdominal area, that is the advantage of doing Thermage on larger areas. A single treatment takes about 30 to 90 minutes depending on the treatment area, and there is little to no downtime.

How many treatments do I need?

Thermage treatments take about an hour while Ultherapy takes 30 minutes.  These procedures can be performed on any part of the body including your face, neck, arms, hands, chest, or abdomen. 

In terms of downtime, both treatments require only minimal recovery with no invasive incisions or stitches necessary for either procedure.   Both procedures have similar results when performed on men with great results achieved after 3-4 sessions with 2-3 treatments within a year.  Most individuals only need one treatment.  For severe skin laxity, two treatments may be more beneficial.

These procedures can be performed on the same day as other non-invasive procedures that you use for self-care, including chemical peels and microdermabrasion, and both Ultherapy and Thermage enhance other skin rejuvenation treatments such as laser resurfacing and injectables like Botox. 

Call Beauty & Body by Mia to Find Out More

If you want to find out more, then reach out to me. I am more than happy to explain the differences, or even set an appointment for you to come in talk about which treatment is the best one for you and your results. 


Make Time to Perform Regular Self-Care – We Can Help!

Make Time to Perform Regular Self-Care – We Can Help!

Taking care of yourself is so important in how we live today. Our lives are all rush-rush and we have very little unwind time. Maximize that time by doing something special for yourself. The more you can do to take care of yourself, the more relaxed and even keeled you can feel each day. We have many different ways of caring for yourself here at Beauty & Body by Mia. Here is an overview of some of the options we have that our clients love most.

Ways of Getting Glowing Skin

Glowing skin that helps you look and feel better is a common request among our clients. For those clients, we recommend a couple different options. We have chemical peels that exfoliate dead skin. The peels also help to bring out newer, healthier layers of skin. They take very little time to apply, and your results will be fully obvious within around a week. We also have BB Glow, which gives your skin a natural glow, allowing you to appear healthier even from a distance.

Internal Options

If you want to feel better from the inside, we also have options that you can go with. Tired and feeling sluggish most days? Then we may recommend our vitamin B injections. On top of giving you a natural energy boost, they can also help you shed excess weight. You can also opt for Juvéderm® HYDRATE. This is a filler that goes inside, typically under wrinkles or in areas you want to firm or plump. You can get lasting effects in very little time, allowing your confidence to show from the inside out.

Call Us to Find Out What Other Options We Have to Offer

Whether you want a spa day where you get an array of treatments, or you want one in specific, we can help. Reach out to us here at Beauty & Body by Mia and let us pamper you. Take self-care to a new level. Remember to take time to pamper yourself. It can help you alleviate burnout and keep you ready for whatever life may throw your way.

Take Summer by Storm with Beauty Treatments to Feel Your Best!

Take Summer by Storm with Beauty Treatments to Feel Your Best!

Summer is in the air and we all want to look and feel our best. Sure, you could get a haircut, or your nails done. But why not consider turning back the clock? And what better way to look and feel your best than a visit to your local spa and indulge yourself? But with such an array of options, how do you choose? Easy: you want fast, effective, non-invasive, and zero down time. And that means Ultrasound Therapy (Ultherapy).

So What Is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is an FDA-approved treatment that utilizes ultrasound technology to lift, tighten, and tone your skin. Without being invasive, this treatment reaches deep into the dermis, far deeper than other non-invasive therapies. The ultrasound frequency stimulates collagen production, which causes the skin to tighten and, in the dermis layer, helps the creation of fibroblasts — a matrix of fibers that support new cell growth and improve the skin. These same fibroblasts help your skin cells replace and regenerate, leading to more firm, subtle, and youthful-looking skin.

Because this therapy uses ultrasound, your provider can see the area she is treating, ensuring the treatment energy reaches the correct areas, bringing the most benefit. Ultherapy is most often performed on the face, under the chin, and the neck, but in fact it can be used anywhere you have lax skin.

Sometimes Ultherapy is likened to a non-invasive facelift, but this is misleading. Ultherapy is quick, safe, often requires only one visit, and comes with no downtime. For anyone not ready to go under the knife, Ultherapy is the perfect alternative.

Contact Beauty & Body by Mia Today

There is no better way to enjoy the summer than looking and feeling your best. Even better, looking and feeling your best with a safe, quick, no downtime beauty procedure like Ultherapy. Come visit Beauty & Body by Mia and let us treat you to some pre-summer pampering. And while you are here, check out our other ways to make you look and feel great: beauty treatments, body treatments, vitamin injections, and even Mesotherapy Injections can all make your good summer great.

Four of Ways to Rejuvenate Your Skin After a Long Winter

Four of Ways to Rejuvenate Your Skin After a Long Winter

Winter takes a toll on the body. It dries out the hair, the skin, and leaves you feeling exhausted. So, when spring rolls around, you are eager to get out and move about. Why not change how you feel before spring? This winter is long and is only going to keep going for a while. Why not take the time now and help your skin feel better? There are several ways of doing that. Here are some of our favorites.

BB Glow

If you want your skin to look radiant, then you want to start with BB Glow. This simple treatment can give your skin a softer feel and a new, glowing look. Your pores will be smaller, your skin will be smoother, and you will look healthier. It’s a great option to feel your best!

Plasma Skin Tightening

For those who are worried about looking older than they really are, plasma skin tightening can really help. It works on loose skin all around the body, and gives it a firmer feel and appearance. Try it on your knees or elbows, your eyes, or even your chin! The treatment leaves you feeling better for months at a time, and it is FDA approved.

Carboxy Therapy

Anyone wanting skin that looks younger and has a plumper appearance should consider carboxy therapy. It is quick and gives you results in a matter of minutes. It even gives the bonus that it can help detoxify the skin during the therapy, leaving your whole body feeling better when it is done. It is also an FDA-approved therapy.


When your goal is firmer skin that is tighter and has more tone, then you want ultherapy. It works to give you a younger appearance anywhere on the body where the skin is looser. It is also FDA approved, and can give you a benefit long after the therapy is done.

Want to find out more options that could give your skin a rejuvenated look and feel? Then contact Beauty and Body by Mia today. We can set up a time for you to come in and get whichever treatment you feel will best help your skin.