Keeping Your Skin Safe and Supple this Summer

Keeping Your Skin Safe and Supple this Summer

Everyone knows that keeping your skin hydrated and safe from the sun is important all year long, but in the summer it becomes even more important. Here are some tips to stay safe while enjoying that Vitamin D.


Sunscreen goes without saying; however, it’s important to choose one that fits your body and your lifestyle. Depending on the level of melanin in your skin and the UV index where you live, you’ll choose from a range of SPFs. No matter the SPF number, you want broad-spectrum, which protects you against both UVA and UVB rays.

You can also choose natural mineral sunscreen or one with zinc (to give you that cool lifeguard white-nose look) if you’re worried about the chemicals in your protection. The best type of sunscreen is one that you enjoy using because it will make it more likely that you turn the application into a daily habit.

Skin Needs Moisture

Even though summer often comes with humidity, which is created by extra moisture in the air, your skin needs moisture added in deliberately. During the summer, you’ll want one that’s light and airy, though, so you don’t feel extra weighed down on top of the higher temps and humidity levels.

Choosing a daily moisturizer with an SPF does double duty; if you put it on first thing in the morning you won’t have to worry about it later!

Let Up on the Makeup

Summer often means sweat. No one wants streaky, sweaty makeup in pictures or on their clothes. Use the weather as an excuse to lighten up on the coverage, and give your skin a well-deserved break. Letting your skin have the time without coverage will allow it to breathe and reset.

Just like with the sunscreen, choosing makeup with an SPF gives you extra protection without having to apply an additional sunscreen.

Exfoliation Is Key

Even though it’s important to hydrate and use sunscreen daily, these layers on top of the fact that your skin is sweating can clog your pores like whoa. Grab a gentle exfoliator to use a couple of times a week so that you can clear out your pores, which will show off the fresh, healthy skin underneath.

If you’ve accidentally gotten sunburned, though, skip the exfoliation until your skin is healed!

Wrapping It Up

Many of these skincare tips are similar to ones that you’ll want to use year-round. However, summertime is a time when it benefits you to give some extra-special love to your skin… it’s the only skin you’ll ever get! For a free skincare consultation or to book an appointment, contact Beauty and Body by Mia TODAY

What to Do When Products Cause Unexpected Breakouts

What to Do When Products Cause Unexpected Breakouts

Obviously, you use skin products and procedures to look your best. But sometimes, those efforts can trigger a rash or a breakout that defeats what you were trying to accomplish. In that case, what is the safest course of action that protects your skin and clears up the flare-up?

As part of our continuing educational series, let’s discuss what you should do when products cause unexpected breakouts such as redness, rashes, and hives.

Why Breakouts Happen

The first and most common cause of a breakout is an allergic reaction — your skin comes in contact with an ingredient that triggers a histamine response, i.e., hives. Typically, hives stay limited, remaining at or near the area of application.

Redness after using an anti-aging or exfoliating product (face masks, chemical peels, etc.) is a different matter. Because these products are by definition intended to remove a tiny layer of skin, some irritation is likely to occur. This is especially true with products containing retinol, salicylic acid, or other acne-fighting ingredients.

Acne breakouts are common when the formula of the beauty product is oil-based and clogs your pores, trapping oil and bacteria.

Finally, breakouts sometimes happen if you haven’t washed and exfoliated well, or you are using a product that is expired and that might contain irritating bacteria.

Specific Solutions to Specific Breakout Problems

If you are suffering from hives due to an allergic reaction, immediately stop using the product and get it off of your skin. Experts recommend removing the product with room temperature water or a gentle moisturizer.

Be careful not to scrub too hard or with hot water, as each of these can intensify the histamine reaction. Never try to camouflage or cover up the affected area with cosmetics.

If the hives are severe or painful, you can also take an over-the-counter antihistamine allergy medication, such as Benadryl or Zyrtec. These remedies reduce the inflammation, itching, and discomfort of the allergic rash.

Of extreme importance, if you suffer more serious side effects such as swelling of the tongue or throat, pronounced swelling of the face, or shortness of breath, this is a medical emergency, and you should either call 911 or seek immediate attention.

For puffiness and redness due to irritation, rinse your face several times with water to make sure you have removed all of the irritants. For added relief, you can apply soothing hydrocortisone cream or a light layer of Vaseline or Aquaphor.

It can be tempting to want to get rid of annoying pimples by picking or popping them. But this could cause the affected area to become even more irritated and inflamed. At worst, you could even develop an infection leading to permanent scarring.

Instead, carefully cleanse the area with salicylic acid and apply a topical antibiotic or a benzoyl peroxide gel.

Meeting and Treating All Your Skin Care Needs

The best way to ensure the optimal health of your skin is to only use products recommended by a trusted professional who is familiar with your specific skin condition and needs.

In the greater Chicago area, your best and most trusted resource is Beauty and Body by Mia. As one of the leading aestheticians in the area, Mia Valleskey offers skincare products, procedures, and services that keep you looking healthier and younger.

For a free skincare consultation or to book an appointment, contact Beauty and Body by Mia TODAY

B12 and Other Weight Loss Tips

B12 and Other Weight Loss Tips

Do you feel like you could stand to lose some weight? A lot of men and women feel this way, but they have trouble taking off and keeping off the pounds. It can be hard if you aren’t following a good plan for weight loss and good overall health. Fortunately, getting on the right track doesn’t have to be too hard. Here are some tips you will want to keep in mind.

B12 for Weight Loss

B12 can be a good option for helping you to lose some weight. It is an essential B vitamin, and it helps to support the nervous system. It converts the food we ingest into sugar and other fuel for the body. It can help to boost metabolism and provide you with lasting energy, which can help with weight loss efforts. As helpful as B12 might be, you will also want to use some other tips to help you with your weight loss efforts.

Eating Right

You need to think about the food you are putting into your body. Eating healthy food like fresh vegetables and lean protein will help with your weight loss and toning efforts. Too many people today rely on comfort food, fast food, and unhealthy options without realizing just how many calories they are ingesting. It’s not about “dieting”; it’s about building a healthy dietary lifestyle you stick to going forward.

Exercise Equals Results

Supplements and good eating habits are part of the equation. However, you also need to exercise. Try to exercise about five days a week for 30 minutes a session at least. If you need, you can start with less and then build up to longer and longer sessions until you reach half an hour to an hour. Just make sure you have at least a couple of rest days during the week for your body to recover.

Body Treatments

Additionally, you might want to consider some of the various available body treatments that can help to boost muscle growth and help with weight loss. One of those is EMSCULPT. This procedure can help to tone muscles and lose fat weight without the need for any surgery. It’s a non-invasive option, so there is no downtime. The device causes powerful muscle contractions that assist with toning and fat loss.

Some of the other options to consider include radiofrequency treatments, ultrasound cavitation treatments, and Liposonix.

You can always speak with me to learn more about these body treatments, and to see whether you might be a candidate for them.

Call Beauty & Body by Mia to Find Out More

If you want to find out more, then reach out to me. I am more than happy to set an appointment for you to come in talk about B12 treatments, and other services that can help you with your goals.